Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rate my pokemon Soul Silver team!?

This is a kicking team you have here. when i get Soul Silver ill try and beat you>:) hahaha. anyways, i agree that having about 4 pokemon is best because you can train them faster. so your team is great.

What are the lumps in my groin?

When i was playing football, i felt a sharp pain in the crease of my thigh, it was really painfull, after about a week the pain went , but the lump stayed, i have two more lumps now, they are all movable and arnt painfull, they feel like they are attached to something, could it be a hernia, my dad got one a few years ago? I am 14 by the way and it is really scaring me, it has been there for 7 weeks now and i am very scared it may be cancer, i dont know how to tell my mum and dad, PLEASE HELP!!!

The main advantage of hair is that it ____.?

you really should do your own homework. sorry to be mean, but trust me when I say it's the best thing you can do for yourself.

How about this?

Good job! I'm only speaking from memory, but there is also a phrase in the Bible that reads, "The life of the flesh is in the blood..." As I recall from study, this was verified by scientist in the 16th century. Science and the Bible should be in perfect parallel, but when they part, it is always science that eventually comes back into parallel with the Bible.

Racial tension in relationship?

...You two don't need to be together if you're having any problem with race. That's the worst possible thing you could possibly do lol.

Who do I start and who do I sit?

Two questions. 1st, do I play Deshaun Foster against a stout Tenn defense or Play Selvin Young against a porous Det defense, even though T-Hen looks to start. 2nd, who is the better flex play: Adimchinobi Echemandu against Oakland, Marques Colston against Jacksonville, or Justin Fargas against Houston? This is a PPR league.

What is wrong witth my mollies? I need your help?

All 3 of my mollies are acting odd, i have a silver,dalmation and copper molly.It started with one a couple of weeks ago,he was swimming strangely and darting around the tank,then yesterday i noticed the other two doing it and flicking themselves on things and today they have all started hanging around the surface and hiding in the corner of the tank.I also noticed today that one of them has a sort of white coating on his tail. They keep trembling as well(is this shimmy?)Im worried that what ever it is my other fish might catch it.The silver molly is a bully!!! Do u think it is stress or something more serious.My water quality is fine.i have a 65 ltr tank with 3 mollies,3 Cory's,6 cardinal tetra and 6 black neon tetra.Please help im desperate to do the right thing for my fish!!

Who is going to the Jonas Brothers Concert on March 20 in Boston?

me: my parents are thinking about bout it. But my screename is and thats my email too

Really bad headache PLEASE HELP?

It seems like you have a migraine. Take a warm shower and try to go to sleep in a dark room. You can also tie a band around your head, sometimes constriction like that helps. It should be gone by tomorrow. You got it because you probably strained a muscle of your eye by looking into those microscopes all day. Hope you feel better.

Is santa real or not?

is santa real of he is i am going to find him and tell him what i went on christmas is a ps3 and a phone touch and keyboard and real er rings boys not girl and a real snowboard i hope i get it so if santa is real tell him i went thos things and i am going to see him by my tree in side my house and see if i have the things i went ok i wish he was at my house rit know.

Can these be menopause symptoms?

The other menopause symptoms can sometimes cause the other things to happen, especially with the fluctuation of hormones. however without going to the doctor there is no way of knowing for sure, I am not sure about a blood test, but there are several hormonal tests they can do, my aunt went thru the change early and they monitored her hormones with urine testing....Hope this helps good luck!

91 ford probe windshield wiper problem?

On your car the wipers will retract under the hood when you turn them off (down farther than they will wipe when they are on) so thats why it would make sound even when it is "off". it sounds like a problem with the sensor that detects the wiper position, If you can return the part and get another one do that, if not you will have to fix the position sensor on the motor.

I am a compulsive gambler. how do i stop?

What you need to do is go to work, home and thats it. I have a bad habit buying DVD's. I just stopped going places that buy them and I have stopped buying DVD's. I know gambling is different but you cant gamble if you dont put yourslef in a possition to gamble.

Harry potter question?

Yes, it was the prophecy. He knew it was in the Ministry, and only Harry could retrieve it which is why he showed him the image of him torturing Sirius because he knew it would get to him. So he needed Harry to retrieve it, and the plan was his Death Eaters get it from him. The Prophecy only said "Neither can live while the other survives", so Voldemort's plan kind of backfired in more ways than one.

Examples of Romanticism?

well, romanticism as you may well know, is the emotion overcoming the mind, keep in mind that anything artistic wise or character in stories will often be portrayed as an outsider, and in the end he will fix society even though he is doomed to never be in it, one good comparison is western movie heroes and how they have a reverence of nature, they can join society (civilization) and the only powerful thing is nature. this can also be compared in art, for instance if the painting has a person to their back towards the viewer, and if they are portrayed small in comparisons to nature, remember that romantics were in love with mysticism and revolutionary thoughts (six hour plays that were meant to only be read, frankenstein and how in the book it is not he who is the monster but science, and society) romantics are anti-reason, anti-society, and anti-science. they were a rebellion to the enlightenment. Rousseau's quote best sums up the ideas of romantics "man is born free, but is everywhere in chains" good luck! and i hope i answered your question!

WWE One Night Stand card, what is yours?

i would have taker edge batista and big show for the world title in an extreme rules match and triple h randy orton john cena jbl jeff hardy and kennedy in a six man hell in a cell or elemination chamber

Ap bio. Need help on Evolution. Exam on Monday!!!! MULTIPLE CHOICE?

hehehe My AP Bio Exam is monday too! Well I guess everyone's is....Sorry though. Can't help you. My teachers retarded, so he stayed home from school this past week and this current week before the exam so we were forced to get two other teachers to teach us everything this week. We had 2 semesters of AP Bio and all we learned was 'enzymes lower the activation energy.' Needless to say we're not gonna be making 3s...

My friends son pulled my whole rose bush out of the ground!?

I had planted them back in Jan. and he pulled the whole bush out, he is autistic! I replanted it immediately andI watered it and of course it rained that same night and the next day it started wilting. Is it going through shock or what? How can I help it?

Denver Broncos not given enough credit?

im not a broncos fan, but i dont think they are given enough credit. they have had so many injuries this season the rb's are goin on IR like crazy, and for not having a very good defense they have won some good games. cutler isnt given enough credit either he has done so much for that team and has carried them to where they are at and as done much more than most qb's in the league with alot less. so my question is why do people hate on them so much and not give them any credit for what they have done this season? broncos haters dont bother answering im lookin for serious answers

If there were no polar ice before,then how did everything get so cold,...?

During the Pleistocene, the polar ice caps were locked in a cycle of retreat and advance. When they retreated, temperatures climbed and deciduous forest covered Europe. When the ice caps advanced, temperatures plummeted and the landscape turned into snowy tundra.

Where can I find ripped jeans

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is JBL a good amplifier brand?

I have two pioneer subs and i wondered if a jbl 1400 watt amp would work. Or should i get a power acoustik 1250? please let me know or any other amp suggestions. I want it to rattle my trunk!!!! thanks

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Christian: Do you pray like this?

Yes, sometimesI feel smug about accepting Jesus and being a Christian. I feel morally superior sometimes. But the older I have gotten, and the more mistakes I have made, I realize that I am a nothing and a nobody. All I am is by the grace of God. My whole entire existence is by the grace of God. I am amazed by how unholy and unrighteous I am on my own. I stopped believing for a while in my twenties. I was a way worse sinner than the unsaved. May God make us all ever more humble. Good question.

Whats been happening in ER so far?

season 14 , here in england we dont get it until march , please let me in on whats been happening , ive seen a promo , whats with morris crying at the end of a phone call???

I need to move some furniture from UK to Czech Republic.?

Anyone know a reasonably inexpensive way to do this. I have tried to hire a van one-way but no luck. any help is appreciated.

Help Picking from my leagues FA list?

I'd go with beno. Look at his numbers when Bibby is not there. Cell is droppable. I still have hope that Hughes could be remotly useful. Also, check your waivers for Hakim Warrick. He is getting time all year now.

Pronoun and antecedent help.?

the pronoun is "this", the antecedent is, strangely enough, "avoidance". the word "this" is taking the place of "this avoidance of the issue clearly irritated the moderator"... weird sentence.

Can HIV/AIDs be caught by kissing?

No, when they say bodily fluids they mean blood and semen. If was long ago thought saliva transferred it, and people were denied the use of water fountains and such if they had HIV/AIDs and this was later proven to be false. It is not possible unless the person cut their mouth and their blood mixed with the saliva

Wood-burning stove repair?

i live in ohio and i have a wood burning stove in my home to keep us warm. I do believe its put together wrong and there is always a black creasote liquid leaking down the pipe that goes into the ceiling. Its starting to stink my house like smoke. I would like to call a repair man or a professional to come fix the fireplace but i dont have enough money for it. what should i do to get it professionally fixed with no money?

What types of fresh fruit freeze well?

My husband is going to be working offshore for a month at a time, and I live in a small village with only 2 small shops which don't stock much fresh produce. I don't drive (yet), so would like to stock up as I have kids. I know some fruit goes to mush after thawing out, but would love to know what, if any keeps well. Thanks for any advice.

I need help with language arts project?

i need a song with a lot of poetic devices(personification simile metaphor and onomatopoeia and alliteration) i was going to use hip hop by this group but she said we can't use that one so i need a song appropriate for school it could have some curse worlds but not a lot please and thank you

Could someone tell me the game of the movie Final Fantasy VII:advent children?

Oh and please tell me witch console it is on.....and something else does the game Final Fantasy:VII Crisis core have something to do with the movie because if u completed the game u will find that Cloud is a SOLDIER 1st cl so please tell me what happened between Crisis Core and the movie

Supporters say illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes is not good enough to enact secure communities?

Then let their supporters take them in and house them. When they bleed them dry, maybe they'll sing another tune.

I am having an interview for college?

for an undergraduate degree for liberal arts specializing in speech. i no they will ask me why i wanna be a speech therapist and how i think i'll contribute to the program etc etc etc. i wanna be a speech therapist bec i want to help kids grow up confident of who they are and for some kids that means helping them with their speech. plus, its good money for someone of my communital status. anyway, what are some other good reasons i can say at the interview to impress them?!?!?!

Look,we all know Mitt Romney's a Mormon......?

I know all about Mormonisim.It's a bunch of (in my educated opinion) man made non sense.I'm about as strong a Christian as you can get,but if he wins the nomination,I'd vote for him.I just don't think it matters in that position.There's nothing pro or con you can tell me about the religion "Yeah,but did you know they believe...." Yes,I do.One of my majors was' Comparitive Religions'.For Al Sharpton to try to smear him about that was no better than what Don Imus did.I'd still like to see the "Rev. Sharpton's " seminary or college degree.Politics is politics.Is the guy Patriotic or not? That's what's important to me .Not his religion or whether or not he's into killing babies or not (I'm pro-life).We crossed the catholic barrier we can do the LDS one as well. What say you??

Does this guy like me, and how do i deal with it?

my friends friend who lives a few hours away from me ims me and tells me things like that i look like a mix between serena van der woodsen from gossip girl and brooke sheilds, and tells me he thinks i'm gorgeous, and things like that. i've only met him once, and he's asked me if i want to be his "*****", after referring to his old girlfriend as his ex *****. He's also told me he wishes i lived in his town, instead of my friend. problem is, my friend has liked this guy for several months now. i've told my friend that i think he's flirting with me, but she denies that he is. what do i do?!

More Hilarious Things Said In Court!?

I love everything in here you combine some old one and have some new one, you definitely deserve a star for getting the old one and handing out new one.

Who is the greatest golfer ever (see options below)?

Jack Nicklaus is the only one that Tiger measures himself against. So that would be THE answer. Tiger is the greatest just like a .400 lifetime hitter with only 8 years in would be the greatest in baseball ... compare apples to apples.

Is it NOT ok for me to feed my dogs wellness?

Wellness is a great food, you have to take advice from people here that actually know what they are talking about. In every post you will find people answering that don't have a clue.

Should i trade marshawn lynch for steven jackson?

Why would you trade a quality running back who plays for a team that relies on the run game (The Bills) for a running back that plays on a scrub team that will be down 21-6 every week at the half and has to resort to the ping game to catch up? Lynch will have 100 more carries this season just due to the fact that Buffalo is so much better than St. Louis. Odds alone with that say keep Lynch. Cheers.

What do you think of these names? just out of curiousity..what would you have changed around?

I love those names very pretty especially the spelling of Rebekah :) I wouldn't change any of them except I probably would have used Lillian instead of just Lily.

Best diet for people with chronic yeast infections?

I know that sugar & refined carbs should be cut out..& to eat yogurt daily but it's not as easy as it sounds. Any suggestions

WHo else here thinks this question is funny....?

107.....o! i get it....cuz the shape of a candle and welll...u no....haha yeah thats kinda in like a sick rofl

Aint venessa hudgens with that zac efron...?

if see is she ain't faithful, my half brother's, half brother (hard to explain)has pictures of them making out and **** at a party about 2 weeks ago...

Mirena removal/reinsertion? Early menopause side effect?

I had a Mirena coil inserted just under 5 years ago. It is due to come out shortly. Since having it inserted the strings have disappeared inside so I'm terrified about geting it removed. I am going though early menopause which started 4 years ago. (I'm 40 now). I don't now if this is a rare side effect or not? Is it worth getting another inserted?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ollie trouble ??????????????????

when i try to ollie my back foot goes off the board could that be due to my grip tape what am i doing wrong

Leaving a job before the 12 week notice period has expired?

if he's got a new job, then he can leave his current job, with his own accord, it doesn't matter if he goes to that job anymore, i would use up his spare time wisely, if i was him

What is a political affiliation?

The traditional description was an organized grouping of people who supported those who represented their own values. Today I feel political affiliation pertains to people who only support the group because it is popular to do so. Most tend to be easily swayed by empty promises and pc rhetoric.

Should i just leave my school for high school?

The school i go to now is like ultra conservative and evangelical. i am 100 percent liberal and open minded. my school is so narrow minded that if i even try to tell one of my heavily religious friends about my views, they just bash me down. heres an example: earlier today i was on facebook talking to one of my friends. i brought up the fact that i might leave the school and she asked me why a lot of times. i finally told her that i was just not that religious and that i felt like i didnt fit in. she told me to just read the bible and i, being an athiest, kind of opposed that idea but didnt say anything about it until i said i was unsure of what religion i was. she asked me what religion i was and i said my parents are christian but im leaning towards the jewish side. then she got like really pissed off at me and was all like how can u become jewish, u should love christ in my head im thinking wtf is wrong with this school it sucks. i told her it was complicated and she yelled that christ rox. this is what i hate about this school. i cant even express my own political and religious views without fear of getting nowhere. i really think its in my best intrest just to get out of there as soon as possible. what do u guys think?

Fred and george weasley, a harry potter question?

is fred and george named after mollys brothers fabian and gidian prewett?and is sirius black related to james potter?

Reasons for Elementary School Homeroom?

with NCLB the time for homeroom would add minutes to the required instructional minutes for a school day so your school day will be longer...incorporate the ideas you have for homeroom into the instruction...will be more meaningful for the students and not add minutes to the school day

How should i start at wide reciever?

Okay i'm debating on Lance Moore at Atlanta.He had a great game against them their first meeting or Pierre Garcon at Oakland he's been pretty good as late?

Does my Sirius Sattelite Radio still have value?

I have an UNOPENED satellite radio (for the car) from Sirius. It came with a 3 month subscription. That was two years ago. I was wondering if it still had the 3 month subscription now. I really want to sell it and I know it will have more value if the subscription is still there.

Any Guys Wanna Email and Txt?

Hey. Just trying to find my special someone, if not than some more friends are always welcome. I hate the thought of paying for online dating, lol. Sooo I'm 33/w/thick. Black short hair, blue eyes, 7 tatts....Mandy_Osbun@yahoo I'm in Nashville. Hope to hear from ya and NO I'm not looking for !

As an American married to a Brit is there any reason that I should not apply for a British Pport?

Will I have any problems in the future having 2 pports and will the USA ask me to give up my American citizenship because I want to be elsewhere?

Why is it many religious men pray for enlightenment and?

turn their back on the answers that the world gives them? i mean i have met many Christians who are afraid to even ponder Buddha's teachings as if it would betray their religion. i have met many who do not read the ancient philosophers because of their pagan beliefs. i have met many who are afraid to even look at science that contradicts their belief systems... why do men pray for enlightenment if they are only going to ignore that which does not fit in with their beliefs?

LG Dare vs. LG enV Touch?

Hi. I am getting a new phone this week and have narrowed the list down to two options. The enV Touch is newer than the Dare and it seems to have a few of the features of the Dare while adding a physical keyboard which is better for texting. However this extra keyboard/screen adds more size to it and makes it clunkier. A good friend of mine has the voyager and hates it and the enV Touch is an upgraded version of the voyager so that makes me a bit wary of this phone. Also, I'm thinking of using this phone as a video player and both support microSD which is great but I have heard good things about the Dare's battery life and media player. So which do you think? Any personal experiences would be great.

Id like to know how can i 'open a port' to make my uTorrent download faast.. ?

the problem is that i get the torrent iwant .. and when is tart downloading. there is no action at all.. not even calculating peers and seeds... so i really dunno wt to do.. i think its all about port.. so anyone can help me pleaaaaaaaaase?????

How do I stop my ex from snooping into my e-mail or deleting my e-mail account as he has threatened to do?

My ex-husband has been snooping into my e-mail, and was able to do so by logging on and saying that he forgot the pword answering my secret question and after doing so, he even sent out e-mails from my account. This never has been his e-mail account, he has his own Yahoo account. I changed my secret question/answer but am afraid that he will be able to find out the answer to that one as well. Now he has threatened to get back on there and close my e-mail account completely, knowing that by doing that, it would devastate me. I have a Tupperware business and I depend on my e-mail for that, I am also military reservist, and this e-mail is used by them to send me important information regarding my weekend drills and things. I also have lots of saved e-mails from friends and family that were sent back and forth during the months that I spent in Kuwait after being called up for active duty. How can I stop him, and in addition to stopping him, can I report him for this abuse?

Pro-invasion supporters I have a question?

lest not forget that a team of Isreal's mossad agents were picked up on 11sept01 caught filming the attack on the world trade center...when isreal was asked to explained how it knew about the attacks Isreal's Fat Boy said the information came from the America goverment...American knew and did nothing...there's the truth of 911 as seen on the American world news...

How can I get custody of 2 kids.?

ok i'm 19 I have a part time job and fixing to move to full time I have a small apartment 2 bedroom. I wnat to get full custody of my little bro and sis ages 12 and 10. how do I go about it their father is a drunkk facing murder charges for shooting the man his wife was sleeping with. Their mom is a druggy and has a rap sheet that goes on forever. what do I do.

How to find the length of a pendulum?

A pendulum is observed to make 20 round trip swings in 25 seconds. What is its lenght in meters? Plz show steps on how you got your answers. Thanks!

Books about impact of Saturday Night Live?

I am doing a college history project about the 20th Century and I thought instead of something boring, I would do something relevant and need some good books that either shed light on how SNL has impacted the limits that shows are held to, or how because of SNL other shows have flourished that are not in late night and are on primetime.

Help! So much work, and I cant even find the awnser to this essay question.?

Birds have traditionally been excluded from the group of organisms usually clified as reptiles, including crocodiles, turtles, lizards, and snakes. Explain why this clification scheme is inconsistent with the preferred approach of modern systematics, which seeks to create taxonomic groups from single clades. You may use a cladogram to support your answer.

Global warming How did global warming contribute to the rising of one of the Solomon islands due to this weeks

earth quake. Seems coral reef has risen above the water level and fish etc are dying that lived there. Did all the greenhouse gases from the islands inhabitants start this?

How much should I charge for creating a training manual for a company?

Do not charge, as a past employee it is your obligatory duty to do have worked togather havent you, and have benifitted by experience at least, havent you.

Where was this Iraqi journalist when Saddam was in power?

That would have been "brave". Not doing something like this against Bush for attention when you know at worst you'll spend a month or so in jail. Completely despicable. Times like this makes me wish Bush left Saddam in power so he could continue to kill Iraqis like this "brave" iraqi. That way everyone will be happy. The anti-war people, the liberals, the UN, etc...

My sweet 16 is only two years away and i need a party venue booked now!!?

ok so im not that rich but kinda but my parents are really cheap. i need a place in Long Island, New York...preferably near valley stream or something. i need like a big banquet hall because i have a hollywood award show theme.. please help meee!!! where can i have this party??

All you hockey players help. Please!?

When I curved my blade over the stove (since its my first time), is it suppose to have stretch mark on the blade? Will it break faster? its a wood blade reinforced with carbon.Thanks

Uggs-- help please!!

I really like uggs in black. They make them much more cly. I like the cardy and the slippers the best. I think you should get the cardy if it is rteally cold where you are and you don't want snow to get in. I like the slippers better for normal winter weather, they are soo cute!

Any tips for weaning toddler from feeding?

I have friend who cut her daughter down to one nursing a day, then just once or twice a week. She told the toddler "only on fridays" and that was the rule they used. Eventually friday would just never come and the little girl stopped asking.

Is it true, if I have a cosigner for my loan-once repayment start the cosigner gets the credit history benefit?

I was planning to have a car loan and being new, I intend to have a co-signer. Someone told me that if I have a co-signer, once i start the repayment - he/she will get benefit and their credit history will improve and no change to my credit history. is that true?

Which WR's to start for Week 15?

You absolutely cannot sit Meachem. He's got so much upside to score and rack in a ton of yards in this game.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sorrento or santorini?

Santorini for sure. You'll have far more beautiful wedding pictures there. And I think the hospitality there is among the best of all the places I have visited. Quiet and peaceful. There are two very different worlds on each side of the main island. Had our honeymoon there. It was perfect. Congrats.

Questions on Australian natural disasters?

it is on one hand severe snow storms in canada/usa,...on other hands ...severe storms/bush fires in Australia....i5t is all due to weather /environments all changes....

How can we baptize our daughter at home, and not have the god parents attend any cles because...?

We are catholics who wants to baptize our daughter in march of next year. We would like to have the baptism take place in our home. We have moved here from Texas, and currently do not belong to a church in las vegas. Even if we were to join a church now, there is not enough time to complete the cles with the godparents as the godparents are going to be my stepdaughter who will be on a 2 week leave from kuwait, and my son who will come down to las vegas during spring break, so they would not be able to attend any cles. Is there anyway for them to baptize our daughter and not have to attend cles, as they won't be in town long enough for that. If anyone could please help us with any information, or if you are able to direct us to someone who could help me, we would greatly appreciate it.

Where can i buy a birthday card to go on a grave?

my mum died last year and its coming up to her birthday does anyone know of anywhere that sells "in loving memory" birthday cards to go on the grave or anyone have any ideas of gifts/ornaments that i could place on the headstone? thanks for any suggestions

How is my fantasy football team looking? did i have a good draft?

your team looks great at most positions...crosby will prolly get a lot of FG with Rodgers instead of Favre (but i like rodgers)...NYG defense should be good for Sacks...idk about your WR...starters are good...but your bench is not a given with Jackson throwing to Berrian and idk who throwing to Bowe

Where can i get a good cheap web host with a free domain name?

I am looking to set up a web site for a kickboxing club I am part of. I dont want anything mive but decent enough to put info, pics and videos up. Not to bothered for email accounts. Preferably with free domain name and easy to set up

Americans, how about you guys embrace into the beauty of what we call football?

How about your people embrace the beauty of what we call football? I honestly don't know how you can watch that snoozefest of a sport called soccer. Its so simple and nothing ever happens. I like to see some action in my sports, not grown men in shorty shorts rolling on the ground pretending they hurt themself. Football is probably the most physically and mentally demanding sport there is. Soccer is ok for kids and women, but men play football/basketball/baseball/hockey here.

Have you ever returned to your parked car only to find someone has accidentally scratched it?

What a disgraceful show lol, lead boots and lethal weapons; not a good combination. Maybe walking would be her best option and then she wouldn’t need the gym ;-)

Hooking 20 lb propane tank up to my indoor wall monitor?

I'm wondering if it is possible to use a 20 pound cylinder tank to heat my home with a wall monitor. Not sure if this is a plausible idea or not. If so, what sort of regulator would I need?

What do you think of these lyrics I just finished?

Pretty good man. Your other lyrics from the other day I think are a little better, but they're both dope. Keep doing what you do.

How to overcome anxiety/Fear of rejection with girl I like?

I like a girl who is in two of my cles.I am the shy type.She is truly beautiful to me.I am infatuated by her personality/looks.Me and he know each other but we barely talk to each other before.My anxiety is keeping me from talking to her.I have basically wasted most of my school year not talking to her.I think she likes me by the way she looks at me all the time but she is starting to look at me less.I want to tell her how I feel but to afraid of rejection so I talk myself out of it.Time is running out and I have a month left of school.So how do I tell her how I truly feel without making myself nervous and afraid of rejection.

My guinea pig has a scab on her bottom back, help!?

My guinea pig,popcorn, is a girl. She has a little tiny bald spot on her backside which looks like a . When you look closely it's not a hole, it sorta looks like a loose piece of skin. I have had her since last October 2010 and I always thought it was sorta like a poop hole but when you look closely like I said it is sorta of a scab or loose skin that won't fall off. Help I don't know what to do, is there any solution that doesn't include taking her to the vet? I don't want to overthink things and Pay alot of money for no reason. Thanks and sorry for the long description:)

Do you round 5 up or down for significant figures?

anything that's 5 or larger you round it up to the higher number and anything from 4 and under you round it up to the Lower number.

When I write an essay, and Im talking about a TV program, do i need to underline it?

If I remember correctly titles are generally underlined. I guess it would depend on the writing style MLA as opposed to APA, The Dianne Hacker style of writing book was always a great resource for me, you can also use this resource to determine how to acknowledge the program in your bibliography.

Bible prophecy: Atheists explain?

Not that hard to write a bunch of stories claiming that a guy "predicted" these things to happen. You find some secular proof and doentation and you'll have a proper argument.

Hi my Lil Preggo friends and ttcers!?

hey girl!!! my too are very sensitive in the mornings.... it really helps to wear a sports bra to bed or a tight top to hold your s in place lol im almost 8 weeks yay!!!! are you feeling any nausea??? i didnt feel any until week 6.... I havent thrown up or anything though.... the thought/sight/smell of some foods sucks!!!!! But its GREAT to be pregnant hey! no complaints here! x

I have an ovulation question?

I normally have pretty long cycles, anywere from 36-39 days long. I bought some ovulation tests and took my first test on cycle day 20 and it was positive, me and dh bd that day. I laid with a pillow under my but for like an hour lol. That was the only time we bd around my ovulation time. Does it sound like my days lined up right... Ovulation on cycle day 20 with a long cycle? It seems a little early to ovulate,i did one of those online ovulation calendars and it said i shouldnt ovulate until like the 29th or 30th? Any input would be appreciated :)

Did you watch the funerals of the Oakland Police Officers?

I would like to thank all 50 states and many other countries for sending officers to represent them..very impressive ceremony.

What punishments are prescribed for ity under the Seven Noahide Laws ?

All I know is they got stoned to death under Mosaic law. As did anybody else that had different ideas than him.

Good fish for a 2 gallon tank w/neon tetra friends already inhabiting?

The rule of thumb is 1" of fish per 5 gallons of water in a new tank. As the tank matures its 1" per gallon. I would not put anymore than the 3 neons you have in there or you are going to cause your Nitrites and Nitrates to climb and loose fish since Neons are delicate. The rule of how many fish to put in per gallon is due to the waste load. Too many fish in a small tank would be too much waste for any healthy bacteria to break down to safe levels. Therefore, causing your levels to go up and causing stress on the fish. Stress also brings on diseases and/or death.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will sulfuric acid react with MgSO4 solution?

Presumably it would, since even in water SO4 exists in an equilibrium with HSO4. But in the presence of a strong acid, will all the SO4 be protonated to form HSO4?

What's the difference between a dissecting needle and a probe?

I need a dissecting needle that my dissecting kit doesn't come with. I have a few probes in it, and from the pictures I've seen, they look similar to a dissecting needle. So do I still need to get one? What's the difference between them exactly?

Edge vs Undertaker TLC match?

Who do you think will win & how? WQ#2 : What would be the scenario supposing taker loses , would he be indefinently gone from the WWE or would he just leave for another brand like RAW? WQ#3 : Which rivalry do like better John Cena vs Edge or Undertaker vs Edge?

Who here DIDN'T vote for/like Adam Lambert?

I didn't watch American Idol this season. I was too busy with school work. The only parts I did watch were the auditions in the beginning. But none of the contestants held my interest enough to watch to see who won.

I paid a lawyer $1250 in June 08 for my husbands judicial review. So far he has done nothing. What do I do?

I can never get ahold of him and I leave messages all the time but he never calls back. I want him to refund my money so I can hire someone else. How do I do that?

Can wood burning metal box fireplace be used for coal?

There is a good chimney routed out of the box, and brick surrounds the area. Is the metal in a wood fire box sufficient to take the hotter heat of a coal fire?

Who to start at OF and Util?

you have a really good team. i would start berkman, chris young, and fukudome at OF. and then carl crawford and pena at util. if ryan church heats up, you can start him. you need steals so crawford should give you some of those while giving a few runs too. pena is beginning to heat up, if he doesn't then start jacobs.

Spurs have released a dvd of our last clash...?

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Should I trade Turner and Harvin for Hillis and Wayne?

I'd do this not necessarily for what you get at RB, although Hillis continues to do well, but for Wayne. Wayne is a beast.

Question for history buffs, how did America answer the question whose responsibility is it?

How did America answer the question whose responsibility is it to provide Americans with a decent existence? Include details about the Progressive Era, progressive presidents, prosperity, intolerance, the depression, current social issues that relate, and other topics. Include evidence on how America's answer to the question changed over time. Essay question for my semester exam, thanks for any help you guys have to offer!

Early Christians expected Jesus to return one generation after his death — so why did not the cult peter out?

I cannot deny the return of Jesus Christ, I am Muslim and I believe in jesus as Prophet and messenger who will return to establish justice before the End of days.

Should I start Felix Jones or Kevin Walter or Justin Gage?

Jones is second to Barber, Kevin Walter is seconded to Andre Johnson, and Justin Gage I'm not familiar with, but out of those three, i would choose jones. not the greatest choices you have...

What is a "muse" in general and what category would these two powerful beings fit in?

If no God/s then,it should be a higher source?I don't know what a muse is either,but will find out...Sounds good,what ur have so far.

Do you think Fran Tarkenton has the right to tell Brett Favre when to retire?

on nfl channel Fran told the media Brett Favre should retire.i think its because he doesnt want a better viking QB than him.Share your thoughts

The Third Kind: Jinn - Lost Knowledge, Denial & Embarrment?

I still haven't read or heard anything saying that we can't see Jinns. In fact, I've heard from stories (though not necessarily true) that people have seen Jinns before. As for the hadith with the bones, I think it is in Bukhari but I am not sure what it means (if it is actually authentic).

Hows this hairstyle called?

I'm a 15 year old girl and I want to start body building... how do I start?

No, you don't need supplements. Start by alternating upper and lower body exercises on alternating days. All gyms have weight machines. You want to find a weight that allows you to do 15 reps for 3 sets. Gradually increase the weight so you can only do 10 reps.

What size mouse should i feed my snake?

i have a colombian boa, he is about 2 and a half feet or so. and what i have been feeding him is frozen and thawed hopper mice, and they seemed kinda small for him, they were smaller than the thickest part of his body, and i kinda want to start feeding him the adult frozen thawed mice, they are probably about the thickness of the thickest part of his body, maybe a little bigger, what do you think it would be better to feed him?

I got that boom boom pow?

i think chickens may be attacking her....with the boom boom pow...i think they may be ninja chickens.....OR chickens from the 60's batman tv show......

How come he only calls when he's doing mindless activities?

you are thinking way too hard on this. did it ever occur to you that just maybe he has other things going on in his life then idling away the hours thinking up ways to talk to you? that would be very romantic if he was, but i don't think so.

Evolution question for its adherents?

To the evolutionarily unbaptized, it seems that evolution might occur slowly, by the gradual accretion of random point-mutations over millions of years, but certainly could occur rapidly by the spread of genes already available in the population. For example, genes presumably exist among us for the eyes of Ted Williams, the endurance of marathon runners, the general physical plant of Mohammed Ali, the intelligence of Gauss, and so on. (This of course umes genetic determinism, which not all geneticists buy.) Are, or were, these becoming general? Perhaps. Show me. If not, one must conclude either that these qualities do not confer fitness, or that fitness does not become general. It seems odd to believe that mive structural changes can occur slowly through the aculation of accidental changes, but much more rapid increases in fitness do not occur through existent genes. Can we get answers, please? Concrete, non-metaphysical, demonstrable answers?

I asked my ex if he had a new gf yet?

well he clearly wants you back...ok...and he said he's done b/c you still on this ariel girl...get over it if he wanted her he would be with her....and you would no about it, cuz he would make sure you knew...... only my opinon and hold your head high....

Is it weird to date your best friend?

I just acquired a boyfriend one month ago. He is handsome, tall, and he is also my best friend. During the later part of last school year, him and I had like a two week fling where we were just making out and snuggling and stuff like that. Then after these two weeks he just pulled away and just said he wanted to be friends. I was heart broken because I liked him so much. So, my best girl friend and him and I became best friends instead. I never stopped liking him though, but I had to suppress that because he said he just wanted to be friends. Last month he said he still had feelings for me and he asked me what I thought. I had always had feelings for him and yet I still thought of him as my best friend. I want to be all lovey dovey towards him and stuff, but I find it very difficult to just let go and stop being awkward around him because he is my best friend. I asked him why he just wanted to be friends before and he said that he really liked me and felt he hadnt gotten all the wild party boy out of him yet and didnt want to screw it up. Now he feels like he is grown up enough. Have any of you ever dated your best friends? Is is supposed to feel kind of awkward at first? Am I making a mistake? What do you think about this situation in general?

Whats up with my periods??????

You could be anemic, if you feel dizzy and nauseous. And if it keeps happening you should see the doctor. (you don't want to mess with your health) it could affect you badly down the road. I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome. I used to get my period every 3 to 6 months. But I don't get one at all now. Just a little spotting here and there. There is medicine that can get you regular. I don't ovulate, and so on meds I get a period, but I decided if I can't have babies I am not taking the meds. I understand you not wanting to see a doctor, but it could be somethig easily treatable. Good luck.

How to make my mom less strict?

u can't make ur mom less strict, that's just how moms are. in the meantime, i think that u should live with ur dad to avoid the curfew

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What are these itchy bumps on my arms?

i'm a christian and my mom told me that its from people praying againdt me and sending bump spirits so try praying it should go away

Do I have something worse, or just the common cold?

a cold is a viral respiratory infection. usually you get a fever, aches, and a cough caused by lung congestion. a sinus infection is often bacterial. lots of sinus pressure, headaches,drainage down the back of the throat. a neti pot to flush the sinuses helps a lot. old fashioned vicks rubbed on your chest relieves stuffiness. just be sure to drink lots of water. you often dehydrate when sick. gator ade helps with electrolyte balance. a sinus infection can be treated with antibiotics. don,t drink milk. it increases mucus. spicy foods also help clear the sinus. ricola drops soothe the throat.

If a person answers many questions, asks few, is top contributor, does that make him/her more important to YA?

A person needs to a few questions once and a while. Of course, asking questions leaves one open to criticism, and its so easy to criticize. Asking questions is a way to get at what you want. Maybe its only silly humor. Maybe the question goes deeper than the criticiser realizes. Maybe the question is looking for certain answers when a reader says to himself, "oh I get it." Maybe some people just employ improper etiquette when answering.

What to fill cooked er tart shells with?

I made er tarts today and I have 7 unfilled shells and I want to know what to fill them with. Any recipes that can be fit to a rough scale for 7 shells would be great or any ideas period

Do you think the audience will accept me playing Heath Ledger's part in Brokeback Mountain 2?

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Will Sims 3 run on my new laptop?

Your processor is dual core, and Sims 3 requires a single core 2.4 ghz processor. It's a low-end dual core, but it's still dual core. You're fine in that respect. However, you don't mention what graphics chip you have, and that is what will determine whether you can actually run it or not.

How can we help save the citizens of North Korea?

This Kim Jong-Il fellow really gets my goat. Folks in North Korea live in fear and can't leave their country without facing severe penalties. People are starving to death, and infectious diseases are endemic to the country. Meanwhile Kim Jong-Il eats lobster in an enormous palace. All arts and literature reference him and only positively. Schools teach that he created the world and can control the weather. He gets to use the internet, a luxury not shared by his constituents. Babies born with disabilities are rapidly put to death and buried. Numerous prison camps exist, and there have been allegations of human experimentation with chemical weapons on political prisoners. In every sense of the term, the country is a totalitarian stalinist dictatorship. News reports indicate his health may be failing and he may appoint his son as successor, which doesn't sound good. What is the best way to go about improving human rights for these poor people?

SummerSlam Fake Card (say who u think would win)?

thats the worst card i've ever seen a newborn baby could make a better card half of them don't wrestler u have two of the same matchs couple of crap teams like khali and taker and how in the hell does davey hart smith be in the world heavyweight title match i rate it 0/10

Israel-USA are rouge states? are their facts to support it?

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92 ford probe 3L V6 5 speed?

I know they have books, but I need a website that will tell me in detail how to change the clutch. I know I could have someone do it for me, but I would rather do it myself to learn.. What can I say Im an independent woman!!!

Why have people stopped caring about politics?

Who do you suggest people should vote for? If you vote Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru you have voted for the EU dictatorship. All party leaderships are controlled by the European Union. That's why your vote doesn't make a difference - these parties have the same policies: the EU's policies. This will NEVER be changed by voting.

Why aren't Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton...?

Nicole got her act together and kicked a few bad habits which included Paris Hilton. I'm sure Nicole's publicist said that Paris was holding her back with that trashy act.

Will L.J. Smith (PHI) see more action than Vernon Davis (SF)?

im in the exact same spot...i actually ended up drafting vernon davis and dropping him rather early on and ive been doin starts ever since...i picked him up last week and he got me 1 reception for 4 yards...he might be worth a look this week though but i dropped him and picked up lj smith, mainly because he is on the better offense and he goes up against miami this week..the only downsides to lj i can see are 1) mcnabb is flakey and 2) brian westbrook steals the show most weeks...i was also debating leonard pope who has another decent mathcup this weekend

Do you think my understanding of Paul is correct?

Paul represents symbolic righteousness and not the substance of righteousness because Paul is a false Christ...

How much money do corporations spend due to poor communication by employees?

I am wondering about grammatical errors that end up costing the corporation via lawsuits and also from employees wasting time in prepartion of doents and delivery of presentations.

How do u write height in an essay?

i want to say " ....standing at only five feet, four inches..." so wht is the proper way to say his height in an mla essay?

Will i lose my sinnging voice or will it get better?

I don't think that you would loose your singing voice. Most of the time it will either make it easier for your lungs causing you to keep those notes.

Why dont we Americans create jobs ourselves and become a collective society?

What i mean by this is why become isolated and just rely on corporations/govt to create jobs? Thats how we "americanized" americans have become. I look at new comers to america and am impressed. They pick a city make it into a "little russia" or "little china" and stick together. They gather all their resources and stick together and have their little community economy. They Open brokerages, mechanic shops, pastries... everybody knows everybody mentality..Does this make sense?

If America is considered the "melting pot" of the world...?

Tossed salad more like it, no one wants to embrace the traditional american culture, most people can trace their roots back to another country but refuse to imilate because it is opposite in religious nature to where they are from, our country was founded and settled ,by christian people, and that just rubs people the wrong way.

We inherited some cd's and broker accounts all payable upon death. Would this be considered ordinary income?

The estate contained a house which went through probate plus the CD's and Broker accounts plus an IRA also payable upon death

Can the Mavericks beat the Lakers in this round of the playoffs?

Both teams won their opening series 4-2, both overcame adversity and both appeared vulnerable at certain times only to be bailed out by their respective superstars (Dirk and Kobe), plus a strong front line. Dallas has a deeper bench and appear ready to exorcise even more demons now (after blowing the 23 point lead at Portland) but LA is the two time defending champs...Could Dallas be destined to finally get over the hump with LA?

"y food" video on youtube?

There was a short video on youtube that had this lady with red lipstick (you could only see her mouth) eating a banana, a hot dog, snow (you know those pink coconut things), frosting, etc. and I think it was like, a clip that was a teaser for some short movie or something. I don't remember what it was called, anyone know if it still exists on youtube or somewhere?

Propane Heater Problem?

After using our propane space heater in our garage the pressure regulator next to the tank started to frost up, and then the rest of the hose all the way to the heater (about 8 feet) had frost on it as well, I did not smell any gas and am curious as to if there is a problem.

Shortage of radioactive isotopes?

Medical isotopes have an extremely short half life and need to be produced in a special nuclear reactor designed to make them. There are very few of these in the world and the isotopes generally are spent within a few days of production whether they are used or not. If the reactor that produces them brakes then there is no way to get them because they can't be stored as they are depleted so rapidly.

How much weight did YOU gain throughout your pregnancy?

I gained 36 with the first, 35 with the 2nd. Weight came off after 4 months with the first, and 6 weeks with the 2nd. I nursed and that really helps you lose the weight.

Have the Republicans decided to be strictly obstructionists as a defensive tactic?

Have you decided that facts and logic don't have any place in your life? Oh ya, you voted for the worst piece of crap we've ever had. Nevermind

I don't feel well... Please help!?

Look,you just don't worry about these things, because you are in pubic cycle. So, you just don't worry. These are natural. If again you are worrying then you should go to gynaecologist

Boyfriend /family stuff.?

Well I think that since you are with him and he loves you and you love him both of you should have good communication then you should talk with him about your concerns and also have him talk with his family and let them know that this is your day and that they need to respect his wishes if they would like to proceed to be invited to the wedding .... just talk to your man and let him know that this is worrying you and to please talk to his family .... good luck and best wishes ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Im moving to Yemen/Syria&plan to not wear a burqua,do as I please&look y,its my right as an American?

Should I ask the government to respect my demands as a citizen of my new country, should I ask for Christmas paid vacation and should I insit on eating pork and beef. What will happen to me?

These notecards on Sri Lanka?(you needn't know anything about Sri Lanka)?

I need Sri Lanka's tourist attractions(citites, anything) and websites that you found them on. No common knowledge. I need bibliography...please and thank you...JUST people who are going to HELP...:D - AJ

What SNL/Mad TV sketch is this?

In a comedy sketch show there was a woman whose friends thought she was hilarious. They were always cracking up at what she said and urged her to go become a professional comedian or go to Hollywood or something. Anyway it was funny because she would just say popular catch phrases like "You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" And her friends would lose it. So she was funny for just spitting out random catch phrases. I thought it was Rachel Dratch from SNL but I'm probably wrong as I can't find it anywhere. A name or video link would be amazingly helpful.

Whose your most hated AFL Player?

Mine would have to be Lance 'Buddy' Franklin. I'm not hesitant at all to say he's an extremely talented player, but it's just seems the way he celebrates after goals and is interviewed comes across as immensely y.

Why do celebrities like Britney Murphy and Keith Ledger die so young?

lol Billy Bob Thornton's "curse". He worked with Brittany in King of the Hill and Heath in Monsters Ball, along with many others that has died after working with him. I dont know if i believe it, but it does seem odd...

Is The Main Event Mafia Over?

Booker T is gone to wwe, sting will retire soon, joe was not a member he was a paid enforcer, kurt is lost in tna, kevin is going to join will hugan today. Leaving no one but scote stiner. What has happened and what will happen next.

HeartGold Team Rating For Facing Red?

instead of bite for espeon teach him shadow ball also you should get a ampharoes beacuse he is an electric type and theyre really useful especially since red has 2 water typer blastoise and lapras teach golem stone edge not stealth rock and teach ho-oh fly teach ampharoes thunder signal beam light screen and iron tail also instead of waterfall teach kingdra surf it has 15 more power teach meganium petal dance not synthesis bbecause synthesis is the sam thing as using a hyper potion but heals less that is why never teach your pokemon healing moves instead just use a hyper potion

Isn't he behaving like a jerk, or is it just me?

I bet they are under 20 aren;t they? They are probably virgins who are full of sounds like that to me anyway!

On hells kitchen, who do you think is going to win, Paula or Danny?

im on the forth session and just now i was done watching the 3 finalist. now Paula and Danny are left.

Patrick Swayze died... :(?

i know, right??? That just leaves more room for the new breed of talentless celebs to take over! Movies were great back when dirty dancing came out and i have to admit that since MJ died, i feel like music died with him, all other music sucks and sounds so mediocre i can't take it!!!

Can you give me a list of AMERICAN poets who write about roses and who write about children?

i have a poetry report 2 do and i wnat 2 know can you give me a list of AMERICAN poets who write about roses and who write about children thankyou sooo much :) !!!!!!

Global Warming Question. (Don't want anything saying that global warming is fake.)?

Ok, I'm doing a report on global warming, and what solutions we have to prevent global warming. The solution I chose was that we could walk more, and become more energy efficient. Now I have to have statistical date to back up what I'm saying. Is there any data that has something like "Cities with many walkers have less carbon emissions." Or, "Homes with flourescent lightbulbs release less carbon emissions." I really need something like that. Thanks!

How to get my 1 1/2 old away from the pacifier........?

Just break the habit cold turkey. That is what I did with my son at about 7 months. There is really no other way you can do it. If you keep giving in that will encourage more crying until he gets it again.

Why prophets have painful lives?

prophets like zesus christ, mohmed paigamber, mahaveer, gandhi all have in common painful lives. Why it should be so? Are there prophets without painful lives?

Would the revival, resurrection, and renewal of 2D hand drawn cel animation be truly felt?

Disney is reviving Traditional 2D Hand Drawn Cel Animation for the Princess and the Frog this year. The other studios (which are in favor of stuff made using computer animation software) were cynical about the revival, resurrection, and renewal of traditional 2D hand drawn cel cartoon animation in the moviemaking and animation industries as well as popular, mainstream cinema. But would 2D hand drawn cel animation's revival, resurrection and renewal be truly felt in the rest of the world and especially the United States or not? How long would 2D Traditional Hand Drawn Cel Animation's comeback be truly felt? Months? Years? Decades? 2D Traditional Hand Drawn Cel Cartoon Animation must get back to its feet!

Can anyone suggest banquet venues for 200 people in mumbai for a wedding reception party?

Struggling to find a good venue in Bombay! Checked out the usual hotels in juhu, liked the club though the minimum there is 400 people! Stuck...ideas anyone. Not fussed indoor or outdoor though looking for a place with character. Like the setting of Auro's in juhu though its way too pricey! Help....

What is wrong with the term "Mohammedan"?

Although this phrase means to belong to the religion islam and to the prophet mohammed, the term is largely rejected by the Muslim world because they believe the term "Mohammedan" to be a wrong interpretation that is known to be untrue. Most Muslims will prefer the term Muslim or Moslem rather than " You're / I'm a Mohammedan"

QB to start... McNabb or Bulger?

Bulger.....McNabb is gonna get Sacked so many times against the.. SEAHAWKS.. Kerney, Peterson, Hill, and Tatupu are gonna pressure him all game.....i would go with Bulger...but dont count on him.

Halloween 2007 to scary?

Hey. I do not like horror movies much, because I get scared a bit easily, but I was interested in seeing the 2007 Halloween film. Was it really scary, gory, or disturbing? thanks!

Would American citizens have been better off had Jefferson defeated Marshall's judicial review precedent?

judicial review has allowed the judicial system to become a means for the wealthy elite (judges, politicians, and the like) to extort money from the lower cles and to create many more social and economic problems than they could ever hope to (or supposedly are trying to) solve.

How did Mohammed know...........?

Because Satan and his demons have understanding that humans don't, and I believe the angel ( or demon impersonating an angel ) revealed that to him after choking Muhammad into submission. No angel of God ever choked a prophet of God.

Which syrah can I get that is very peppery and rich like dark chocolate (not too fruity) for a good price?

I am looking for a really good Syrah wine that has a rich flavor, not fruity and sweet but more peppery but won't hurt my pocket book. So far most I have had were too tart or fruity like Merlot and Shiraz. Can anyone help?

I need a new video card that will play wow but has to be agp 8x?

my price rang is 100$ i ran that "can i run this" program (google it) and it said my machine was above reccomended on everything but video card, everything i use is onboard, but this machine is old, but anyways, i need a video card that is good for wow and cheap.

Should I make her pay the deductible?

My wife wrecked my truck...should she be paying my deductible? Make her file the insurance? or should i take her to judge judy and take her for all she is worth?

What do you think of my fantasy team? It is a 10 man league and i had the 4th pick overall

I like Reggie Bush and Nate Burleson, but several of your guys have already had their best season and are on a down slide. I give it a C+

Military Commission Judge Defies Obama Executive Order; Refuses To Halt Proceedings?

Obama's order to halt all Gitmo proceeding without further notice has geen ignored. I heard on CNN the only way Obama can legally halt this proceeding is for the pentagon to drop the charges. Anyone know if this is true? Thoughts? Is this a good decision on the judge's part?

He dumped me but i love him?

sometimes people have the tendency to say things that they don't really mean. like the time, he told you he loved you. maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. maybe he's just confused so he'd rather make things simple and uncomplicated for the both of you. try to move on from all this. it's a good thing you guys are still friends, treasure that. and remember moving on, doesn't just happen. it's a long take each day at a time.

What You gonna do when the Hoagie Hammer runs wild on you?

Lets see you have Triple H vs Jeff Hardy, Undertaker vs Big Show, HBK vs Jericho, with those 3 matches alone how can the PPV be bad?

What's a catchy title for a geothermal energy brochure?

I need help and my project is due tomorrow. and all i have left is the title so please help. It can't just be Geothermal Energy. So give me something different. Thank you (:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why would anyone question Republican stewardship of the economy?

An inherited recession, two unprecedented disasters, and a war. Five years of economic prosperity. How would this be the time to raise taxes and create new social security-sized government programs? I think what we need now is a Republican who won't spend like a drunken admiral, not a slide into economic insanity.

Today's Oprah...Anyone have a video?

Today on Oprah, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were on. I love them and there new movie coming out looks awesome. But, sadly I had play practice until 5:00 and could not watch Oprah. Does anyone knoe where I could find an online video? Thank you!

What are some cute boots for my sister's bday?

she's turning 18. i know when she sees yuffie's from ffvii advent children or on dance shows she'll comment on them. money is *almost* no object

Why did Batman say he was going to rescue Rachel but then he rescued Harvey?

In the prison when Batman was interrogating the Joker, he asked where everyone was, and the Joker being the trickster that he is mismatched the whereabouts so that he would find Harvey, not Rachel because he had a plan for Harvey to get into his dark side, as he had "chosen" him. He "chose" Harvey because he was the "best" of people among them, and he wanted to show that even the best had an evil inside them.

Poem question?

I agree, you are very talented, I see perhaps your childhood, and some of the things you miss, and you know now, that it's impossible to get that first time magic back

Can any one suggest me where shall i get wbjee 2007's counselling?

The counseilling that i am getting on the site is actually of the year 2006.but i need the particular of 2007 and i really need it.plz somebody suggest me if you really have the information with u.

I need more bands on my iPod!?

My favorite band from your list is Dance gavin dance. If you want new bands try job for a cowboy, mewithoutyou, la dispute, norma jean, the chariot, the number twelve looks like you, for today, and a plea for purging. Those are a few of the bands i love. Some of them are weird but theyre so good.

Am I the only one that thinks this?

If Creationism as an alternate theory to evolution is given consideration in public school science cl, the same consideration should be given to Numerology as an alternate to statistics in math cl.

A Little more to my novel that I am working on. I posted some Earlier ? What do you think :)?

I quite like the idea, its good though you keep switching between 1st and 3rd person. One moment you are calling her her and the next she is telling it how she feels. So i'd change that asap!

SURVEY: What do you think of this RAMADAN POEM and WHY?

Im not going to read it until you redraft it and perfect it....10 mins for a poem means you did not put enough thought in it*hmph*

Meteorolgy, Weather Forecasting, or Atmospheric Science??

I need to know if any of these degrees are offered online.....Not just a certificate, an actual degree.....or if any of these cles are offered in Colorado Springs.

Can you win money by just using the running count or is the true count the only number that matters?

in blackjack can money be made just by knowing the running count or is the true count the only number that you should use in determing your advantage, i know the tc is the rc divided by the number of decks remaining but do you wait to divide the rc only after you see a full deck has been played

Why is brett favre's last name pronounced differently then its spelled?

i think it should be spelled farve,thats what it sounds like when someone says it that way,whats your opinion

Popular book suggestions for almost 30 yr. old?

i like your tastes in books, i've read all of those except for midwives and i really liked them. i would highly suggest you read the book of dahlia by elisa albert. it's just the right amount of sadness and humor, and it really makes you think. it's about a 29 year-old, pot smoking woman who gets brain cancer and doesn't let anyone tell her how to deal with her illness or what attitude she needs to have. its so good.

If you get circised, Jesus is of no use to you!?

Always err on the side of Jesus, remember you're called a "Christian", not a "Paulian", right?

What SP do I start this week?

Garza. Hochevar hasnt been doing very well and the Royals suck! Plus the Rays have won 8 of the past ten! ALso, the Dodgers r struggling, take the on fire Rays with Garza a great pitcher

Women? what makes a mans backside y?

I ask my wife-she says she loves mine- but when I point out another mans as* she says it dont look good-then she points another out that looks the same,and says his looks better? wtf? Can only women understand this?

What is wrong with the government? Some of the New Orleans levees are NOT fixed!?

It was on the news about an hour ago. The levees aren't repaired. Some of the work is HALF done! What the hell have they been doing for the past 3 years since Katrina? Picking their noses??? Geez! No wonder Mayor Ray Nagin has been warning the people of New Orleans to "get your s out!" and "this is the storm of the century". My God!! This is reprehensible!!!

Math help (easy ten points)?

i guess you would round down to 8 apples just so they have an even amount. it would be about 8 apples since there is five extra apples or eight apples and one third since if you divide five by fifteen students (i did it in fraction form) you would get 5/15 or 1/3. i hope that helped you :)

Where can I find the Value of a used vehicle?

Try or google: Used Car Prices. Car is over 10 yrs old and there may not be any value on it.

Jim like to go to the mall to play video games. round trio bus is $1.80 he sends $.50 per game.?

A. write an equation for the amount of money ,m, it cost jim to go to the and play 'n' video game. B. what is the slope of the line your equation represent?

How many mile should i change transmission fluid for my Toyota Camry 1999?

How many mile should i change transmission fluid for my Toyota Camry 1999? How many qu it needs? What kind the fluid for my car? How much it cost to change fluid? I think i changed it in 10k miles last time, right now my car has 125,000 miles. Thanks

Whatever happened to the young actress that played Judy on Family Matters?

All I remember is one day I was watching the show on ABC Family and didn't see her. O.k... I took notice of the beginning credits and the actors and actresses and realized I had been watching the show everyday for months and never saw the little sister Judy. The actresses name was Jaime Foxworth. Help a sista out Honeychild!

Do custom hubcaps / wheel trims look good ? are they seen as cool by car people?

Hubcaps aren't really cool no. Save up your money. When your car needs tires upgrade to 15" tires and wheels.

My cousin is pregnant with twins! Pair some names?

I like Eden and Camille for girls. For boys I like Elias and Julius from your list. For a boy/girl combo, I like Eden and Elias. The two "e" names sound cute together without being totally cliche. The other names just seem to sound good together!

Are women REALLY oppressed in the USA?

Women aren't oppressed in the US. Mosey on over to Lebanon, and you will see what true oppression is.

Was my boyfriend serious about this Best answer?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 months and we were deeply attracted to each other. We were very close and we always shared personal stories. But two days ago, my boyfriend told me that he didn't want to date anymore because his best friend got shot in the head and he couldn't handle it right now. At first i was saddened and felt really bad for him. Then i kinda started thinking why would he just drop me like that? and i started getting second thoughts like maybe he didn't like me or he found someone else and i got really upset. Since i couldn't get hold of him on the phone, i texted him to tell me the real reason why he wanted to break up with me b/c it didn't make sense. He got mad and said that his best friend just died so now i regret what i said.The reason why i had those thoughts was cuz a month ago i broke up with him because i thought he was talking to other girls. Then four days later, he started dating his best friend which lasted for a week and every day of that week he asked if he could call me. Then he said he missed me and he couldn't get over me. I didn't take him right away and he finally confessed that he was trying to make me jealous since i hurt him. So i thought that it was going to be a repeat of him maybe finding another girl but i know i shouldn't have accused him like that but the thoughts were still there. So do you think he was serious or did he just need space? Im still shocked over it because he said he never wanted to lose me and proved it many times. Thanks

Has anyone used contemporary music during their wedding ceremony?

I'm planning a wedding for June 2010 and I'm trying to take care of my little details first. I've seen many different sites offering suggestions for contemporary music (ie things you'd hear on the radio) during the ceremony. I have many songs I would love to have during at least the prelude, and I don't even really want to walk down the aisle to any version of a piano song. I just want to know if anyone has used music instead of clical songs during their ceremony. Also, any suggestions or examples would be welcomed. I would love the wedding to represent my fiance and I while still remaining elegant. Is contemporary music during the ceremony tacky?

Whats is the top 10 best songs of all time.?

Im looking for alot of really good songs. they can be clic or bran new. anything that is any kinda of music is fine rock rap country ect. whatever gets the party going. thanks !!!

Is Raven Still with the Cheetah Girls or no?

I heard that she left them, but i wasn't sure. I hope she did, the 3 original cheetah need a shot at fame too

Confused(i know i asked this before sorry)...ladies' answers highly appreciated!!!!?

ok so this has being going on for about 3 months now...there is this girl in my cl that i met that i she likes me a lot. i mean she always talk to me,is very polite,wants me to help her, tries to start a conversation with me etc...i know she likes me, the problem is that i dont want to get into a relationship right now (never-ever had a girlfriend...22 years old-lame...) because first i am SO f@KIN busy with my school....never have time for anything else, and i am kinda a really lonely guy too (thats how i am...i am not a party person either) ..i know she likes going to clubs but i personally hate general i am ignoring her in a way..however one day she asked me to give my number( i never ask from girls their number-never-...) and told me that i should call her soon and go out so i gave it to basically i didnt want to hurt her even that i wasnt planning to do anything...the next day i text her and told her to hang out ( i actually wanted to tell her to stay friends even though she is really cute and i lke her)...she did not reply and i was waiting ...finally she texted me back 10-12 hours later telling me that she didn't see my text earlier but we should hang out soon...she never texted me back even though i see her in cl..i never responded because i felted so stupid,lame,idiot....even though i dont want a relationship i was wondering what could be going on???what should i do?

Whats the difference in casinos btween local casinos, big casinos and then say las vegas?

i live in central Cali and we have an "indian" casino. its kinda small. then i know los angeles and san diego have their casinos (indian i believe), and of course theres Las Vegas. So WHATS THE DIFFERENCE? i mean say if you playing slots and those video machines, arent they ALL the same? Then theres also blackjack, roulette, craps, etc? Arent they all the same?

I'd like to go back to the fiat money question?

If we can just print money, why does it matter if there's a national debt? Why couldn't we say impose wage and price controls (like Nixon did) and just print more money. For that matter, why couldn't we just declare the national debt paid? All it would take is to put numbers in some bank accounts. I'm serious about the question. To me, money has no intrinsic value. It's simply a means of exchanging paper for goods. If that's true what's the big deal about a national debt? There seem to be all these economic "laws" and theories, but are they really based on fact? I wish someone with some real economics knowledge could answer that question.

How long will salt dough ornaments last before painting?

I want to make a batch of salt dough ornaments ahead of time. I will not be painting or sealing them for a few weeks and I wanted to make sure they would remain hard until I paint and seal them.

If you believe our unconscious is a strong factor in our behavior, what about this idea concerning McCain?

With all the weird stuff he's been doing the past month, do you think it's possible that he unconsciously does not want to be president, but now that he has been nominated, he couldn't very well quit, so he is undermining himself without realizing it?

I just wanted to know were i can get clothes like fergie's?

cuz i love her style and i checked stores like forever 21 but nothing..Do you know any stores that have her style? thanks

How can I find a cycle in a graph using only log space?

I need an algorithm that will use log space to find if a graph has a cycle in it or not. You can reuse space, but in total you can only use a log of the number of nodes in the graph at a given time. Plz help :(

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Possibly ate undercooked chicken & I'm pregnant! Help!?

Last night about 12 hours ago I cooked some chicken wings according to the package directions if the chicken was THAWED but it was FROZEN instead. I ate the chicken wings in the dark so I didn't notice the color of the meat. But this morning I saw the bones and they are reddish in color. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. No diarrhea, nausea, vomitting, etc (although those things wouldn't be so abnormal for me because of the pregnancy I sometimes have those symptoms anyways). Am I safe? Is my baby safe?

History help on the pacific war please help?

#10 - the U.S did not use nucleur bombs....they dropped two ATOMIC bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Parents are you going to let your child have the swine flu vaccine?

They have offered it to my son at school he is seven. He is severly disabled with austism and learning difficuties. And i am really worried about letting him have it. My husband is against it and says no. What do other parents think. Non-judgemental answers only please because I am quite worried about this.

Might I be in love with my guy friend?

Yes. I'd say that you do love him, but only you know how you really feel inside and only you know what you want to do with those feelings... so good luck, and hope you figure it out :)

Christians, WITHOUT working from the presumption that God exists, how did you work out which scripture is true?

They didnt choose, they either took what they were taught as a child or saw how happy the other christians were and became born agains.

Matt Schaub or Brett Favre for week 11?

I have Matt Schaub against the jets or Brett Favre against the packers this week. Who should I start??

Did you know that the best way to atone for transgression is to forgive yourself?

As a Catholic, I agree heartily. You can't just go around sinning and say, "I'll just keep doing it because He'll forgive me no matter what." Then you are not truly sorry. Religion is more than worshipping a god; it's about becoming a better person, atoning and avoiding sin no matter what. Whether you're religious or not, this is what you should do in life.

Why does it seem like players on the Colts have gl bones and paper skin?

They just keep getting hurt! I was watching the NFL network & apparently Reggie Wayne is questionable for tomorrow's game as well? There's such a ridiculous amount of injuries and I just can't understand how everyone gets hurt during the same season..

Which is more likely to happen..?

The dumb person becoming smart. So if the dumb guy is in a room where people are pondering philosophy, he can learn from them, expand his mind and start to expand intellectually, if even marginally. But a smart person cannot contract his least not as quickly. Even if the dumb person learns one minuscule new fact, he is smarter. Can't unlearn something once you're an intellectual.

Is this computer is enough? and can do a great gaming experience? ?

Honestly, you won't be happy with onboard graphics for gaming. I suggest throwing in a GeForce 9800GT and maybe kick the CPU up a notch or two. Also, you are going to need at least 2GB of RAM, but thankfully, RAM is cheap these days.

So... My problem is I have no clue what just happened with us. plz help me.?

girls like if you tell them how you feel about them, just do not be too reveling. you can say "i like(or love) you", but do not say"oh, how you are the greatest thing that ever happend to me! i love you soo much my snucher muffin! " so i would suggest do not change too much for your girl, stay yourself and you guys will turn out fine!

Can you over clock all computers?

I just build a computer a few months ago and I used an Athlon II X3 3.2GHz and an ASUS M4A78LT-M LE motherboard. I have been into the bios of it and I cant find any options to change the FSB or anything to do with over clocking. And does it depend on the motherboard, which is where the bios is I think or does it depend on the processor if you can over clock or not?

I need new music to listen to!!!!?

SlipKnot,KoRn , My Chemical Romance, Rage Against the machine, Mindless self indulgence,Atreyu, tool , many more i cant remember them right now

Nose piercing problem?

No, it's probably not serious. It just when you slept without it in your piercing started to close up. So when you put you nose ring back in it was a little bit of a re-pierce. Anyway, just keep it clean and don't take it back out for a little while. It should get better. :o)

Was DLR or Sammy Hagar better with Van Halen?

I think DLR had the better stage presence and antics, but Sammy was much more talented with his voice and song writing.

Were can i get free crochet patterns for granny square with like diffrent designs? ?


Putting DVDs thru the printer?!?

You need to have a printer that have a slot for DVD. So when you want to print on it, you can just place the DVD in the slot and the printer will do the job. Alternatively, if you don't have the right printer to do it for you, you can send it to the printing shop. Some printing shop have a DVD printing service

What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?

I have my own blog and might bid on projects to blog for others. I believe there are some guidelines out there around what is allowed or not regarding images posted on public blogs (such as copyright rules, licensing, or trademarks). Is there anywhere to go to find industry guidelines for blog post images?

The *Miracle* of the 1967 Israeli Conflict?

Yes. It was prophecied that the Nation would become a nation in a day. Since then, God has been directing. Now if only man would stop trying to run things his own way...

Two dreams of me dying?

I had two dreams, both of me dying and both by a large figure (like an asteroid or meteor) slamming into the earth. I was in different locations in each dream, but they both ended the same; my death. However, when I died, i could still feel myself as if i felt my own spirit. I awoke immediately after each dream. What does that suppose to mean?

Foo fighters?

Are you asking about a song, or a video? More and more it seems people can't separate the two. Pity.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is being rich all that matters?

Don't be sad, if you put your all into yourr schoolwork, I think your dad would be really proud of you! Money is NOT everything although we do need it, trust me, it can't bring happiness/ love/ friendship/yadee yadee yah, u get me? Do your best because in the end, that's all you can doo

Whats wrong with my cat?

she used to be a lovely cat, would love snuggles and always want attention. but over the last 3 months she has put on tons of weight, when i try and pick her up she squeaks in pain and doesnt want to be held anymore, shes growling alot at people (she never used to do that) and last night she normally lets me know she wants to go out to the loo but she pee'd randomly on the floor. shes 3 years old and has been spayed. im taking her to the vets tomorrow but does anyone know what this might be? :(

What do i wear to a REALLY ghetto concert?!?

im only 13 and im as white as snow BUT im like an inside-out oreo. im going to a rap concert in oakland but i dont know what to wear to this kind of concert. i know not to wear blue or red but i need more specifics!! please reply asap

How do I know before I call a fireplace installer if the flue is large enough?

I am thinking about having a wood burning stove installed in a space where an old ceramic heater was. The old ceramic heater was installed in a space that looks like a fireplace, with the mantel and everything. I want to know before I even bather with a pro, if the flue can handle it. If it can't I am not even going to bother because it would be too big of a renovation. Any help would be appreciated.

I have won lottery in free lotto to deliver my cash prize do i have to pay any amount to the corier plz say?

Sorry friend. If you did not buy a ticket remember this.You don't get anything for nothing, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information. The iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful.

Are there any scientific studies being done on why birth names cycle in popularity?

I was checking out the social security popular name website which rates names up to the 1000th place for the last 100 plus years. I found it odd my son and daughter and me had been a few places off on popularity the past few years. I also found it odd how a name could jump 500 places in 1 year. for the year 2007 only 2 names for girls didn't begin or end with a vowel and half both began and ended with a vowel giving the names a very similar feel. what do you think?

What's the difference between Obama's spending and Bush's spending?

You are delusional, aren't you? The difference between Obama's spending and Bush's spending is that you and your liberal pals were all up in arms about him spending a cent but it's perfectly OK with you for Obama to spend more than any other President in history, more than the New Deal and WWII COMBINED, in less than a month. It's supporters like you are very scary.

Is there such thing as bn happily married & cheatn?

I'm happily married to a good man w two cute kids...recently I got in contact w a former lover...he's married w two kids to...after some flirty & reminiscent texts of our life he asked to meet up. I declined but am flattered...I'm happy w my husband so y would I think about stepping out on him....anyone else been here? Ps.. w husband is very u think he's done this before? I've been 4 yrs hes married 1....

Can you help me please?

Hi guys! what do you think about the shakespeare's tragedy LADY MACBETH?can you comment on the caracter's behaviour? thanks! have a nice day! kiss , pappy

Chris Benoit: A legacy that deserves to be forgotten?

I do think shirts and posters and the like should be tossed. He is no longer a hero. I think it is ok to watch and appreciate what he did in the ring. He was a great wrestler and that shouldn't be forgotten. His death should be his real legacy. Theres alot of women in abusive relationships that should see what he did and use it as a reason to get out. There's alot of men who are abusive or mentally ill that should use it as a reason to get help.

Why do you think Gandhi should be taught?

all over American schools.. Please give me some evidence if you have any..and opinons... (I NEED TO DO A SURVEY)

What is the difference between Rome 390 Boss and Rome Targa?

I just bough a 2011 Ride DH2 Snowboard and wanted to know what bindings would be better for it. I ride All the mountain, a little more leaning toward the park. I wanted to try the Rome Targa or the Rome 390 Boss. Im 5'11 and 150 pounds. Dont just say targas or 390s are better give me some explanation. I know the main difference is the flex but how much is the difference? Also im thinking the Thirtytwo Lashed boots should go well with the set. Thanks for your responces

uming that not all of the haemoglobin in the tubes where pepsin is active has been completely digested ?

uming that not all of the haemoglobin in the tubes where pepsin is active has been completely digested to amino acids (true), why is there no precipitate of undigested Hb in these tubes?

Movie star Bruce Willis' feet size?

only info i can find is a 10 1/2. this was taken from a movie memorabilia sale in which a pair of his boots from 5th Element were sold and they were stated to be this size

Why have the bbc not reported the u.n probe results on flottilla aid ship macre ?

Good question and I can only guess the answer. The BBC is a left wing news agency and rarely airs anything that may criticize Israel . In fact the only news agency in Britain that is not scared to print the truth about Israels crimes is the Guardian

Your opinion on Testament?

I like their newer music better than their older stuff. Although it's lost the technicality of some amazing guitar solos, it has a more refined sound. What are your thoughts?

Teenage girls: What is your morning and night make-up, skin, hair, etc. routine? Any suggestions on mine?

you do soooo much stuff. maybe i'm blessed with b-a skin but i never wash my face except in the shower sometimes. why do you put lemon juice on your face? hmm sounds cool. i bet it hurts if it gets in your eyes.

How do can I get a degree from the Electoral College?

I am starting my medical studies and I keep hearing about this new college and I am totally sold. When is their spring enrollment deadline and where are they located???

Are you tired of the "super bowl" questions?

Their annoying, every 10 seconds someone post a question saying "Packers or Steelers?", " Are you watching the super bowl?", " Super Bowl: Are you more excited for the commercials or game?" It's really getting annoying.

How can get this girl to date?

wow well u better hurry upp & ask her on a date, take the bus-who carez!!; and be her little out of state lover-sumone she lookz up to ming back 4!!:):)


He might be confused. So, maybe relax a little, and let him approach you instead. If he doesn't then too bad.

Anthology series help!!!?

I know it's not Twilight Zone, And only one episode stands out in my mind. It's the 100th (or so) anniversary of a time probes journey into the future. Seeing probe footage of a clean future spurred the people of the past to clean up the environment. But the last remaining scientist from the time probe experiment confesses to a reporter that the probe was a fake and the footage was just stock footage meant to trick the world into action.

Mike D'Antoni and Avery Johnson?

Why are these coaches considered elite coaches? They only beat the teams they should and once they get to the playoffs where the real season starts, they choke. Avery Johnson inherited a great team and made it worse. Mike D'Antoni happened to get Steve Nash, Amare Stoudamire, and Shawn Marion. How did Mike D'Antoni do in his other stint as a Denver Nuggets head coach? not very good

Baby names that start with L and the ending sounds like I?

Try this website. Go to Advanced Search and put in your specifications. =) I like "Loralai"

Questions that answer themselves. Call these in to your local radio morning show?

Spread the propaganda, make it seem spontaneous and home grown. Is this a question? What is the question here?

Where Can I get this Naruto Pein Cosplay Wig?

It's a wig. In fact, it looks a lot like a henna-red Punky that they trimmed up. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Navy Reserve DEP Program?

I signed up for the navy reserves but since there was not an opening for SH I was placed on DEP. So I had to sign the active duty contract and once they have spot for me they will transfer me back to reserves. My boot camp date is Jul 26, 2009 and they still haven't found a spot yet. If there is no spot available by Jul, 26 will have to go active?

An Example of how the "new marketing landscape" has transformed the way a specific company does its marketing

Take for example the Presidential Election....never have so many candidates been interested in the power of blogs. In Fact if you want to reach the younger generation you better have some sort of internet marketing campaign in place.

Take Nat'l Guard scholarship or join Nat'l Guard during college?

I am an incoming freshman to college and I am enrolled for the ROTC courses at my school. Knowing that I would have to serve in the military for 8 years after college but also wanting to have a civilian life and wanting to obtain my master's degree as soon as I graduate from college, I made the decision to serve in the National Guard for those 8 years. Currently, I have been researching the ARNG scholarships that are available. However, I talked to an ARNG recruiter and he told me that it would be better to join the Nat'l Guard thru the SMP program while in college because there would be more monetary benefits than that of the ARNG scholarships. But what I am concerned about that is that it might be a lot to handle in college. So my question is, should I apply for an ARNG scholarship or should I join the National Guard?

Tattoo help????????????????

We can't really decide for you, I have a tattoo and it's a very personal choice. So you need to pick whatever means the most to you, whatever you think you won't regret.

I'm trying to avoid an ex crush but he won't leave me alone?

What am I suppose to do. Its bad enough that he's in my homeroom cl but he's in 3 of my cles out of 6 cles.Not including that he sits next to me in every one of them. He even tries to strike up a conversation. I've told him many times that I don't want to have any contact with him and all he does is laugh, I'm like what the hell? Why is he doing this? Does he think i'm joking or something? Because i'm pretty sure I made my point clear. So how am I supposed to avoid him when he's just "there". When is he going to get the message. Besides he said he didn't like me at all in fact he said and still says he "hates" me. So if he hates then why won't he leave me alone. Its kind of annoying.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Im a swimmer, is my meal schedule OK?

It seems good for me. But if you're getting fat maybe you should less portions and have a bigger variety of food you eat. Do not eat the same thing everyday.

I need advice ( School drama ] Please Help [Easy 10 points.]?

lol wow I really don't miss school drama. Here's my say, your friends don't like your cousin that's obvious, I figure your cousin doesn't have any other friends since she hung out with your friends when you weren't there. Your friends are a bit harsh though but that's my opinion. Best thing to do for both parties is for your cousin to find other people to hang out with and you and your friends just do your thing, you do see your cousin after school every day anyways.

Anyone fall pregnant with out showing any symptoms?

I am due for my period today or tommo.... not really any symptoms... when do the symptoms... did anyone get their BFP without symptoms other than no periood???? Please anyhelp is welcome!

Need help with rock bands...?

i think ull like bullet for my valentine and funeral for a friend. as well as other crap like autumn to ashes.

Why are some youtube videos unavailable in some countries?!!?

I was only trying to find Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong's Let's call the whole thing off.. why is it unavailable in my country!? Jeez!

What is an E Ticket, and is it Printable?

An E-Ticket is an electronic ticket you print at home. As far as I know all parks treat them like regular tickets and you simply bring them to the front gate. Sometimes they'll ask for a form of ID for anyone over 18 to prove that it's your ticket but a lot of parks don't ask. E-tickets are a great idea because they're usually less expensive then normal admission and save a lot of wasted time in ticket lines. If you have any troubles with the site or more questions you can always call the park's main office. Good luck and have a great time!

HAMLET translation help?

Check in And if you want more answers you should post it to a different spot. Such as homework help or poetry or books and authors. I doubt you get much help here.

Ques 3. Chemical Equilibrum?

if NaOH is added to chromate/dichromate equilibrum, in which direction does the equilibrum shift? note that NaOH is not present in the equilibrum expression, so explain how NaOH was able to shift the equilibrum. remember NaOH is a base.

I need a roller derby name?

My name is Marie. I have several nicknames including Re, RERE, Marizzle, and Maria. I am 5'1, I hula hoop, love jam bands, run a pizzeria, and can be a *****. Hopefully that helps, haha

What is the best way to keep a corsage/boutonni�re fresh?

Keep is in the fridge....NEVER the freezer ! Also make sure there are no apples or pears in the fridge as they give off a gas that kills flowers.

Does anyone know how I can get my laptops ghz up to 2.80ghz?

I have a Compaq presio CQ60 laptop amd atl dual-core QL-62 2.00ghz 3gigs of ram and I want to upgrade it to 2.80 ghz if someone can help please. Thanks

Help getting my horse to trust me?

I got my horse the night before last and im in love with her already. But...her previous owner fed her good and stuff but he never hardly touched her. all he did was throw feed and hay to her. when i first got her, my mom and i had to keep walking after her to get her to let us pet her. she kept walking away and sometimes running a little. she has gone a long way in trusting me since i spent the whole day with her yesterday. she will let me lead her by her halter and likes it when i brush her mane. i know that complete trust will take a while but does anyone have any advise for getting her to trust me faster? i really want her to get till she will let me ride her soon. she is broken but hasnt been rode in a long while. any answers will be greatly appreciated

My dog is pregnant,her temp is 99.8.?

how can i tell if she is having a false prenancy or real? her temp is 99.8,it feels like there is movement,but im not sure,he are swelling an filling with milk. she is digging at her bed,bleanket,couch,etc. what are signs she really is going into labor,an it isnt a false prenancy. but her temp is dropping steadily today from when i took it,it was 100.0 when i first took it,now its 99.8. is that a good siign

Fox News see's no Harm in Willie Nelson getting busted with 4 Oz of Weed and having charges dropped but Snoop?

Tonight Bill O'reilly and his legal team brought up, and concluded there was no issue with Willie Nelson getting arrested for the second time and having marijuana charges against him dropped, even though he had 6 oz's of it on his person. A Felony is 1 OZ +They had a good laugh when Bill O'reilly said the Prosecution made him sing a song in the court room in exchange for dropping the charges. I find this astonishing being that fox news has relentlessly gone after rappers who smoke pot. Bill Oreilly said the Prosecutor said " I'm a Willy Nelson fan, and I want to hear this song". Bill saw no issue with this. I wonder if Snoop dogg was in court after getting arrested in Texas with 6 Oz, half a pound pretty much, a Black Prosecutor said, " Hey I'm a snoop dogg fan, I want to hear you rap this song, and I will drop the charges".Would Fox News vilify the prosecutor , from Hannity to Beck? A few years ago they went after Ludacris so much that Pepsi cancled their multimillion dollar contract with him and Ludacris was really upset with Bill . Bill Even came out and apologized for screwing things up for him.

Do ugg boots run differently?

I think they run 1/2 to 1 size larger... they're warm, but they get dirty easily. I think they're KIND of worth it, but it depends on which ones. :)

Killing black widow eggs?

i turned over my plant pot, and both had eggs in them, one had a widow. we killed the widow...but how do you kill the eggs? also, the 2nd pot had no spider, just eggs....Hmmmm is she still lerking? the pots were next to eachother. could it be from the same spider? about 1 foot up under the hollow part of the pot!?!

When did deleted questions start to reappear?

they used to give back the points, but I just got an email saying voters picked a best answer for me and it was a "violation" deleted question that I asked a month ago

Where the best place to get married for cheap in bangkok thailand .. ?

going to thailand get married ... low cost fast wham bam that u mam no bulshit wedding .. anybody has exsperinces or ideas ?

Ladies (college age): am I dateable?

Talk to girls in cl about the lectures, join clubs, etc. I have met a lot of guys mostly through college clubs and through my job. Just join one to a few clubs that you're interested in and have time for and I'm sure you'll, at the very least, make new friends. The upside to the clubs thing is you know that you and her would have at least one common interest and that's really nice if the club is something you're pionate about.

When do we get SPORE?

I really really cannot wait for SPORE. If anyone knows of a release date, however vague, i would be very appreciative. Oh and how do you become a Beta tester?

Who is the singer-songwriter (she's been on Letterman) who plays piano and has a little girl voice?

She's been on there in the last few months. She plays the piano and writes her own songs. If you get past concentrating on her funny sounding voice, she's very articulate, even profound, in her song lyrics, a lot like the great singer-songwriters of old like Janis Ian. But I can't find her name because there's no way to access a list of past guests on Letterman.

What is "maximum amount payable" mean from unemployment?

my husband is getting unemployment and we got a paper that says "maximum amount payable" which is up before the year he is supposed to get unemployment..does this mean after he is paid that amount he can no longer receive unemployment?

How does it work at Derby City clic?

How much does it cost to watch each day. Also if you enter a tournament do you get to watch the rest for free

Everyone wants to be God ?

i dont want to be god....sounds like a great job...but i would never want to over power him...he does a great job being one could replace him

Settlement , term that tells that Jesus' death restored our relationship with God?

this is a clue to a crossword puzzle 14 letters , letter 3 is c , letter 7 is i, letter 9 is i , letter 13 is o.

How will the Texans/Ravens get Fantasy Points for this week?

I have Andre Johnson on my squad, so I have to play him. If I do play him, does that mean that this weeks matchup will wait until they play November 9th to find out the outcome of the game if I end up with less points this week? Kind of a confusing question, but I know other people are in the same boat.

Vibration in a 1972 plymouth roadrunner?

i have a virbation in my 1972 plymouth roadrunner the entire time it is running. it doesn't change when you put it in gear and drive. it stays consitant. does anybody know whats wrong with it?

Will this laptop be right for me?

Well first off, any laptop will only last for a maximum of four years. I know people will say they've had theirs for 10 years but for what you want, unless your a computer geek, which you obviously are not, it will only last 3,4 maybe 5 years. If yhou need 6 or 7 years out of it check out a desktop. But dell's are made to high quality standards, have one of the top warranty programs out there and the computer will definatley be able to handle your tasks. The only thing, youre going to kick yourself in the a$s if you stick with the wireless card you posted. Get a wireless n, in 2 years wireless g will be totally phased out. Wireless N is the fastest longest range and most reliable wireless internet option. I would also upgrade to the 6-cell battery which will give you a much longer life on a single charge. Other than that it looks good for you

Many home barbeques are fueled with propane gas (C3H8).?

What m of carbon dioxide (in kg) is produced upon the complete combustion of 18.9 L of propane (approximate contents of one 5-gallon tank)? ume that the density of the liquid propane in the tank is 0.621 g/mL.

Can anyone give me some good new unknown songs too listen too?

I'm so sick of hearing Boom Boom Pow and Pokerface being played over and over again, i need some fresh new unknown songs, anyone got some?

Would you be comfortable/trust him?

I'd feel exaclty the same, if not worse, trust your instincts. How would he like it if it were the other way around.

Palmers cocoa er?

how well did it work for you for 6 month old stretch marks i seem to try about everything and i work out no result i'm trying one last thing and i need your experience ladies Thank you much With love

Why did my wife call me manipulative?

This sometimes works. Go all puppy-dog eyed, look really cute, shuffle your feet, put your hands behind your back, be sure to lower your head and look up at her, and ask, "So, a bj is out of the question, then?"

What are some great techno/house/club songs?

Circle Circle Dot Dot. Actually, I dont know any of the songs you have there , but this song is Techno

Rate my deck add if you can tell me how i can impover it?

get a theme, your deck is a bunch of random cards put together, next time, you do not need to put spaces between the cards, it makes it harder to read

A question about pre-schoolers?

ask her what she likes to do. do what she wants to do (unless it's something bad). bring her candy and/or small toys or whatever seems to make her happy. before you do that, ask her what kind of candy she likes and what's her favorite animal (get her a stuffed animal).