Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Look,we all know Mitt Romney's a Mormon......?

I know all about Mormonisim.It's a bunch of (in my educated opinion) man made non sense.I'm about as strong a Christian as you can get,but if he wins the nomination,I'd vote for him.I just don't think it matters in that position.There's nothing pro or con you can tell me about the religion "Yeah,but did you know they believe...." Yes,I do.One of my majors was' Comparitive Religions'.For Al Sharpton to try to smear him about that was no better than what Don Imus did.I'd still like to see the "Rev. Sharpton's " seminary or college degree.Politics is politics.Is the guy Patriotic or not? That's what's important to me .Not his religion or whether or not he's into killing babies or not (I'm pro-life).We crossed the catholic barrier we can do the LDS one as well. What say you??

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