Saturday, August 13, 2011

How can we help save the citizens of North Korea?

This Kim Jong-Il fellow really gets my goat. Folks in North Korea live in fear and can't leave their country without facing severe penalties. People are starving to death, and infectious diseases are endemic to the country. Meanwhile Kim Jong-Il eats lobster in an enormous palace. All arts and literature reference him and only positively. Schools teach that he created the world and can control the weather. He gets to use the internet, a luxury not shared by his constituents. Babies born with disabilities are rapidly put to death and buried. Numerous prison camps exist, and there have been allegations of human experimentation with chemical weapons on political prisoners. In every sense of the term, the country is a totalitarian stalinist dictatorship. News reports indicate his health may be failing and he may appoint his son as successor, which doesn't sound good. What is the best way to go about improving human rights for these poor people?

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